ATP periodic inspections


Ruokavirasto has granted the rights to complete ATP periodic inspections in Lieto, Vantaa, Jyväskylä, Tampere and Oulu.

The periodic inspection of transport equipment is completed, when there is no more than six months left until the ATP classification lapses. The first ATP classification is valid for six years, and the following re-approval is valid for three years.

Please note the following before arriving for an ATP periodic inspection:

The transport body to be inspected must be empty and free of any loose items or goods. The inside and outside of the body must be washed. It is also worth checking that there is a sufficient amount of fuel, because the refrigeration unit may be operated for long periods.

You must have the original ATP certificate with you.

The ATP periodic inspection is not started before the inside of the transport body has warmed to a temperature of +15 degrees. During the cooling test, the aim of the FRC classification is to achieve -20 degrees in 6 hours. At winter, it takes longer for the body to warm up, in which case the measurement may not be able to be completed during one working day.