VAK’s responsibility policy

”We want to be industry’s forerunner also in responsibility.”
Environmental responsibility
We work actively to improve sustainable development. We have identified four environmentally important areas in our operations and pay special attention to minimizing environmental impact. These four areas are: use of environmentally friendly materials and chemicals, energy consumption, waste treatment and environmentally friendly transport equipment solutions.
Social responsibility
Our social responsibility is based on our values. People, quality, honesty and respect are reflected in affluent employees and so in satisfied customers. We treat all our employees and partners equally and respectfully. We don’t compromise on safety. We actively work on safety and strive to create a safe working environment for all our employees.
Corporate responsibility
Our corporate responsibility is concreted above all in growth and development. It creates well-being for society as a whole, increases jobs and offers opportunities for success to our partners as well. The basic pillar of our corporate responsibility is good governance. We also require all our partners to act responsibly and commit to environmentally sustainable solutions.
It started from something small – that being VAK’s story. The family business was established in 1972 when Lassi Virtanen founded Virtasen Autokori Ky in the outskirts of Turku, in Vahto.
Product development
The core task of VAK’s product development department is to develop high-quality transport solutions, which are always a step ahead of customers’ wishes and needs.
Several dozens of groups from educational institutes, companies and associations visit us each year.